By Colin Northmore, Principal: Evolve Online School
As the academic year concludes, many parents are confronting a reality they hadn’t anticipated: their child’s academic performance has not met expectations. This revelation, often first seen in year-end reports, can trigger a whirlwind of emotions, from confusion and disappointment to worry about their child’s future.
Understanding why this happens is crucial. In a system where high-stakes exams can disproportionately affect overall performance, even students who seem to be coping can falter. The shock for parents is palpable – why were there no earlier indications? This surprise often morphs into concern about their child’s self-esteem and anxiety about their educational path forward.
The report is not just about grades. It’s about the comprehensive development of a child in an educational environment that may not cater to their individual learning style. While effective for many, traditional schooling methods might only align with some students’ needs, particularly in a diverse educational landscape like South Africa.
But despair is not the only response. As an educational expert and founder of Evolve Online School, I believe in proactive, positive steps to address these challenges. I advise parents to view the report card as an opportunity to begin a journey towards success, rather than the end of the road.
At Evolve Online, we talk about the power of ‘YET’. The roadmap starts with a shift in your mindset. Say to yourself: “It is not that my child has not achieved the results that reflect their potential; it is just that they have not achieved them YET”.
So how can you assist your child if their performance did not meet expectations? In the following ways:
- Create a Supportive Learning Environment at Home: Engage in open, non-judgmental conversations about their learning experiences and challenges with your child.
- Plan for the Future: Discuss how you can approach the next academic year differently, focusing on intellectual and emotional well-being as a family. This discussion must include your child as someone with the agency and capacity to be in the driving seat of this plan. Some questions that you could ask are: How do you feel about this subject? What do you think you could have done differently to improve the results? What changes will you have to make in how you spend your time at school and in the afternoon to improve? What can we do as a family to support you?
- Identify and Address Learning Gaps: Most schools do not return the final exam scripts to their students, but they are available on request. These scripts can be viewed as a learning roadmap for your child rather than a summary of their worth. You could meet with your child’s educators early in the new year to ask them to help you analyse the results, understand where your child might be struggling, and develop strategies to support them in those areas.
- Create a Plan to close the gaps: Often, the reason children struggle with their subjects is because they are missing key building blocks from previous grades. There are many apps and online resources that you can subscribe to (and use for free) to close some of the gaps. Also, consider using an AI platform like ChatGPT as a tutor to explain complex concepts to your child. Always remember that AI should be seen as a tool for learning rather than one to be used to do the actual homework.
- Develop Effective Study Habits: Certain study techniques can significantly enhance learning, especially in high-stakes exam scenarios. These techniques are grounded in neuroscience and include concepts like spacing and interleaving.
- Explore Alternative Educational Models: Consider educational options that differ from traditional models, such as mastery-based learning, which focuses on understanding and filling learning gaps.
Remember, these steps are just the beginning. Evolve Online School will host a webinar on the 10th of January for those seeking more comprehensive guidance to explore these topics in-depth and provide a tailored roadmap for academic success.
While the end-of-year report might not reflect your child’s potential or efforts, it is not an end but a starting point for a journey of educational discovery and success. Work together with the school to ensure that your children are academically successful, confident, resilient, and prepared for the challenges ahead.